Workshops For Writers - April 2: Inspiration Through Everyday Objects

Join Missouri’s Poet Laureate, Maryfrances Wagner, from 10 a.m. to noon, April 2, for a writing workshop hosted by the St. Louis Writers Guild. This free workshop will be held in person at The Lodge Des Peres, 1050 Des Peres Rd., St. Louis, MO, 63131 and will also live-stream on Zoom.

The workshop will follow the 2/28/22 St. Louis County Health Advisory. MASKS ARE OPTIONAL, and we will not collect attendee information for contact tracing. No food or drinks will be served.

Our speaker will present a three-part exercise using an object to provide direction in writing, whether literal or subconscious. The exercise provides multiple possibilities for writing. PLEASE NOTE: Participants need to have two objects handy for the workshop, things with no personal connection. So, not a special gift, photograph, or any item with personal attachment of any kind. This exercise can work for poetry or prose. Maryfrances will also discuss her role as poet laureate, her path to writing, and read a few poems.

For the Zoom address, find the turquoise “Join current SLWG meeting” button at the top of the St. Louis Writers Guild’s Events page (
Maryfrances Wagner began her service as Missouri’s Poet Laureate in 2021, performing her poem “Missouri” at the Statehood Day ceremony from the state capital building steps on August 10, 2021. Her newest books are The Silence of Red Glass and The Immigrants’ New Camera. Solving for X will be available in 2022. She co-edits I-70 Review, serves on The Writers Place board, and was 2020 Missouri Individual Artist of the Year, as well as being Missouri Poet Laureate 2021-2023. Poems have appeared in New Letters, Midwest Quarterly, Laurel Review, American Journal of Poetry, Poetry East, Voices in Italian Americana, Main Street Rag, Rattle, Unsettling America: An Anthology of Contemporary Multicultural Poetry, et. al. For more information, check her website:

St Louis Writers Guild